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in this course, we'll be teaching the concepts of the JavaScript programming language and the cool functions you can use with it in the ProcessingJSlibrary. Before you dig in, here's a brief tour of how we teach programming here on Khan Academy, and how we think you can learn the most.
Normally, we teach on Khan Academy using videos, but here in programming land, we teach with something we call "talk-throughs". A talk-through is like a video, but it's actually interactive- you can pause at any time if you want to play with the code yourself, and you can spin-off if you want to make your own version of what we made.  Here's an animated GIF of a talk-through (there will be sound in the actual talk-throughs!):

An animated GIF of the "More with variables" talk-through
After a talk-through, we'll give you a step-by-step coding challenge and guide you through them with messages and hints. If you feel like you're spending too much time on a challenge and getting frustrated, try re-watching the talk-through or just keep going and re-visit the challenge later. Here's an animated GIF of the Bucktooth Bunny challenge:
When you're learning to program, you've got to practice-practice-practice. The challenges are a good way to try out what you've learned, but we want you to go deeper. That's why we now have projects in the course, opportunities to spend a lot more time and be more creative than you can be in the challenges. Some of the projects will be evaluated by your peers, and some just by yourself. You'll also evaluate some of your peer's projects, so you can learn from them. In programming land, we're constantly learning from our peers, there's always something new to learn!

Besides the projects, you should also make up completely new programs, whatever's in your head. Just click "New program" on the programming homepage, and look at the documentation to remember how to do things.
And hey, it's totally okay to make mistakes. That's what programmers do all the time - we break things, we make mistakes, we learn from them.

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